Aixecar-se a les 5 i agafar un taxi: 15€
Anar a l'aeroport a recollir la Laura: 31€
Un smoothie i galetes: 4,35€
Que vagis a l'aeroport a esperar un amic i n'arribin 9, no té preu.
Per la resta, seguir somiant i no poder ni imaginar moments tan perfectes com aquest.
Gràcies companys pel moment de l'aeroport, per les guiness i Sláintes als bars, per la companyia i per ser com sou, perquè sou lo millor!
Wake up at 5 o'clock and pick up a taxi: 15€
Go to the airport to collect Laura: 31€
Smoothie & cookies: 4,35€
Go to the airport waiting for one of your friends, and find nine of them, priceless.
For everything else, keep dreaming and not even imagine these perfect moments.
Thanks my friends for the meeting at the airport, for all the Guinesses and Sláintes at the bar, for your company and to be as you are, because you are the best!
un plaer!